Ayatollah Borujerdi University



Obtaining a collective ranking of university students
In the first issue-oriented competition of the National Elite Foundation, Rahe Nishan
Obtaining a collective ranking of university students
On Monday, March 18, 2019, the main hall of the Ministry of Interior hosted the final ceremony of the first competition based on the issue of the National Elite Foundation, entitled “Ra Nishan”. Sorna Sattari, President’s Science and Technology Vice President and Head of the National Elite Foundation was present at this ceremony.
2023-11-20 08:48:46

The sign

“Ra Nishan” is one of the competitions centered on the issue of Shahid Bababi’s plan, which was held under the supervision of the National Elite Foundation, and its purpose is to encourage students to solve the country’s industrial and knowledge-based needs in the five fields of water and environment, energy, transportation, and biotechnology. And it is intelligence.

This competition, with the cooperation of technological and industrial companies and by defining the project and strategy of the teams, has provided the opportunity to attract talented students and graduates under the cover of the National Elite Foundation of the country. The participants in “Reh Nishan” competitions will have the opportunity to challenge their abilities in the framework of the implementation of real projects needed by the country and use the empowering platforms of “Reh Nishan”.

After that, if they become members of the selected teams, individuals and groups will start their specialization path by establishing a new company or being absorbed in technology and industry clusters. In the closing ceremony of “Ra Nishan”, the selected teams of the five districts, in addition to receiving elite points from the National Elite Foundation, received a prize of 100 million Riyals, a plaque and a statue of this competition and were honored.

The chosen ones

Among the winners, there were 4 people in 3 different fields from Ayatollah Azami University of Boroujerdi (RA) as follows:
Mr. Hossein Rooh Bakhsh (Chemistry), Javad Turkashund (Chemistry), Mohammad Qabadi (Computer Engineering) and Masoud Nik Peror (Computer Engineering)



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